His Love for Us is Simple
I always ask in my prayer and communion time with our Heavenly Father, “What would You like me to share with my readers?”
He whispered one morning to me that He wanted it to be simply, His Love for Us. Hmm, I thought, is that too “simple”? I know there must be something more.
When I find myself in a quandary of thought, it’s time for a walk to help me to clear the distractions in my head and heart.
As I started my walk, I continued to pray to God asking for His guidance on what I should pen this month. I found myself almost trying to bargain with God, asking Him to show me more clearly what I should share. But, the more time I spent trying to bargain with God for an answer, the more distracted I became from the noise of the street, the sounds of electric bicycles zooming by, and other walkers’ conversations.
I was so thankful to reach the footpath to the ocean. The hum and chatter were quickly replaced by the calls of gulls and the ocean breeze whispering through the pines. I breathed in deeply—it was as if I could smell the sweet aroma of God’s love in the fragrances surrounding me.
As I reached the shoreline, the ocean’s fresh scent washed over me. Suddenly, I’m not thinking as much about my writing or other things on my mind, but more about my surroundings and how I love them. I took off my shoes to walk barefoot on the beach and get my feet wet -- which is another thing I love to do during the summer months to refresh my soul.
I sat for a while to watch the pelicans surf along the crests of ocean waves. And, as the sunlight began to soften, I gathered my shoes and prepared for the walk home. How I love a little extra time at the beach to sit, and take in the moments of day.
When I arrived home, still pondering what to share, I heard the soft whisper of God on my heart saying, “Share the simplicity of My Love.”
I opened my journal and fell upon a dog-eared page with scribbled notes from a recent devotional study:
“Love set the boundaries around our relationships with God and with other people, not to keep us from enjoying those relationships, but, so we can enjoy those relationships to the fullest.”
The Message Devotional, Love Sets Boundaries
On a new page, I began to pen notes quickly…
God’s love is my encouragement to write and share his love with you today. Every time we gather with one another in conversation and to do the things we love, we are sharing in God’s love.
When I feel stuck or have too many things on my mind distracting me from my heart, the first thing I do is to do something I love – because God created this joy for me with His love. God’s love is so simple.
Moment by moment, all He desires is for us to feel and see His Loving Kindness in the many things He has created for us to enjoy.
His love is penned throughout the Bible. A verse that spoke to me today is simply, God is Love:
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
1 John 4:16 NIV
And I was reminded that
We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19 NIV
So yes, His Love is Simple. Spend time in God’s love to create joy for all seasons.
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV
Let in the sweet perfumes of the garden.
Let in the colors from sunrise to sunset.
Let in the laughter and the love from others.
Feel the movement of your body.
Receive the nourishment from our earth, sun and water.
His love for us is simple.