Is God Knocking on the Door of Your Heart?


I opened the doors to the garden as wide as I could to let in the early spring morning. I listened to the sounds of merriment as the birds awakened to the warmth of the sunrise. As the sweet aromas of the citrus blossoms and budding roses lilted by, I found all of my senses illuminated in joy and refreshed optimism.

The whistle of the tea kettle brought me inside. Before starting my daily routine of calls and meetings, I went to a quiet spot in my home to spend time in my morning devotional and bible studies. I started with the devotional “Leave the Past Behind” from I Hear His Whisper by Dr. Brian Simmons. The first sentence reads, “Beloved, open wide the doors of your heart and receive what I am speaking over you.” The reading continues with a message to start afresh with the new day filled with love and kindness from God – don’t get tripped up by mistakes or challenges from the past.


The chimes of the clock signaled the end of my morning quiet time. Yet, throughout the day, I found myself reflecting upon my morning study and also upon recent conversations shared with friends. I jotted down notes and thoughts in between calls and meetings.

 Later that evening, I took out my journal to decipher my thoughts and began to write these words: Is God knocking at the door of your heart? Do we hear his gentle knock of loving kindness on our hearts?  I had these thoughts on my mind after a conversation shared by my friend Maria with a group of our lady friends.  Maria told us about a recent change in her life that she knew would also inspire my creativity. In response to His inspiration, I have, for years, drawn and photographed doors and gates that I so often say are openings to heaven’s love and promises.


Maria shared that God closed the doors to a current situation then opened doors to something far greater than she could imagine.  She added that she had been going through a season of uncertainty and decision-making, and that she could really feel the presence of God’s love guiding her.

Swing wide, you gates of righteousness, and let me pass through, and I will enter into God’s presence to worship only him.  Psalms 118:19


I continued to think about how God opens doors for all us.  Even when we may feel as though we are living in a season of uncertainty. As I re-read my morning devotional notes, I was reminded that everything is always changing, the only thing that is constant is God’s love for us.  I thought maybe, just maybe, this season of uncertainty is here to give us all a chance to close doors on some of our past hurts or challenges and open our hearts to God for His love opens doors onto new opportunities and blessings beyond our own imagination.

Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with me. Revelation 3:20

You see, I believe we have an opportunity to choose to trust God more to allow those old doors to close and to really let go of old ways and mindsets in order to welcome in a fresh start.

… with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

Maybe, just maybe, God has invited us to walk in faith through a newly opened door to joyous promises and blessings. These past couple of years I have been inspired by the life-giving stories I have heard from friends. They shared that, through their season of uncertainty, when they opened the door to their heart wider to the love from God, their prayers were answered beyond their imagination. Over time, in each one of their individual stories, I heard a common theme of God’s loving kindness in action, whether it was about their family, health, career or housing decision. Each of their stories revealed that when one truly takes time to rest on God’s word to grow one’s faith, one also discovers an inner peace from His loving presence and guidance as a constant reminder that one’s prayers are heard and answered. 

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

Throughout the year, I have received many wonderful updates about doors opening for those who choose to walk forward, hand-in-hand, in their faith with Him. I, too, am blessed by an abundance of new “fruits” of life opportunities harvested for all who have grown their faith and believe in God’s promises.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8 NIV


I could hear the clock chimes from a distance and realized it was getting late.  Before I closed my book with my notes of thoughts, I pulled out my sketchpad and water colors and started to paint an open gateway in our garden with flowers and rays of light washing through the entrance.  I felt such a freedom of release and joy as I painted the piece. I found myself basking in a renewed outlook and refreshed heart, knowing that we always have a new path to an open door if we choose to take it. God’s love is ahead for us as we live from season to season, letting go of the old to welcome in a new dawn of joy.   


As I turned off the light, I took a deep breathe and quietly said, Thank you, God, for planting your beautiful inspirations and encouragements on my heart throughout the years. Your open gates and doors remind us to be fearless in your love and to always look forward with the hope that your loving promises will come true for us today and in the days ahead, if we choose to walk through the door of life with you.

I know that our Heavenly Father is knocking at the door of our hearts, sharing his loving kindness and blessings with us. Do you hear His knock on your heart? If so, open the door, and you will be richly surprised with the many promises and blessings He has instore for you…

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)


Home Is Where the Heart Is

