Planting Seeds of Faith
April is a time to welcome in the newness of spring as we celebrate the Passover and Easter season of faith and restored hope.
Spring is a time to plant seeds in your garden of life. The simplicity of a seed does not hint to the wonder and promise it contains. Yet with a little soil and water, we are given plants full of color and life, and soft perfumed aromas in just a few short weeks! A garden awakens.
Seeds show us how to believe in something we can’t see. A book I’ve been reading describes them as “mini faith factories” forging the habit in us to trust, be confident and assured that something will come. Seeds become plants that previously did not exist. They teach us how something dead may be brought to life, paralleling the realities of faith in our Heavenly Father, that he will open our hearts to “the many wonders of the signs and miracles he performs.”
“Observe a bean plant or a pea plant or a watermelon in your garden and count the number of beans and peas and black watermelon seeds each plant produces in one season, in each case the result of one original seed. Your eyes will be opened to the wonders that God performs every year in your own little garden.”
Alfred M. Rehwinkel, The Wonders of Creation
This quote reminds me that at the heart of our Heavenly Father’s great faith story is a seed story. The Hebrew word for “seed” is zera, the same word for offspring or descendant, and it was Abraham’s faith in God that yielded descendants of faith for centuries to come.
One seed of faith is all it takes for us to plant in our ‘heart garden’. Watered with the word of God and nurtured with his love, a life is filled with the promises He has for us.
Be a gardener of faith this gifted April season and plant your seed. Let the eyes of your heart open to see God’s wonders and promises performed. As we watch seed become plant, it is an assurance of all that we hope for but do not yet see.
Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. Hebrew 11.1 (TPT)
What are you going to grow this season?
Added Bible verses to plant in your garden.
“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless. If a person is separated from me, he is discarded; such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire to be burned. But if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done. When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!
“I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts. If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by his love. My purpose for telling you these things is so that the joy that I experience will fill your hearts with overflowing gladness!” John 15:5-11 (TPT)