Signs and Wonders: Rainbows over Madeira

Just a few days before our visit to the island of Madeira, Portugal, a man set fire to the national forest and surrounding villages, out of revenge.  Yet, as we are often reminded, our Father God will replenish the land with Glory and turn ashes into gardens.  

We had the opportunity to drive through the fire zone area as soon as the roads were opened. We stopped the car and, with our guide, walked the land in quiet prayer. The smell of smoke was very strong and we could still see plumes of smoke in some areas. “Please pray for rain,” said our guide.   The three of us joined hands together in prayer, and at that very moment, we felt the Holy Spirit wash over us.  I began to feel the tears from my heart and the sadness of the area. As we prayed more, our Heavenly Father sprinkled us with light raindrops to assure us that He is with us and hears our prayers.  I could feel a new-found hope for the people and their land; a hope of light ahead during these sad moments.

I assured our guide, Emmanuel, (whose name means “God is with us,” Isaiah 7:14) that it would rain tomorrow.  The following morning, as I began to prepare for our departure, I took one last look out at the window to gaze at the beautiful mountain side landscape. There, with one foot dipping into the ocean, was a glorious rainbow.

At that moment, I knew our God was sending me a message of His assurance that He hears our prayers for all things. I knew that He was going to send rain to this land to bless over the work of the hands of His children.  

When we departed for the airport, a soft rain began to wash over the land. As I looked out the window of the car at the beautiful scenery, another large rainbow appeared, arching over the whole island!  When we arrived to the mainland of Portugal, I learned that Madeira was blessed with rain.  

As we awaited to board our return flight home, the hand of God was with us once again, painting another rainbow that stretched over the wings of our plane.  (I tried to capture it, but the rainbow did not come through that clearly through the glass window.)

During our plane ride, I began to journal my notes from our Maderia journey.  I reflected upon what God was showing me. I began to think about the wonderful friendships God has weaved together to guide us, through His word and grow in loving encouragement to walk together through all seasons in joy…I had an “aha” moment and said to God, “Now I know why.” I found myself quietly speaking this verse: 


"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God
and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”   
Genesis 9:16 (NIV)

Our Father God always keeps his promises for us.

A couple days later I called Emanuel, to let him know we arrived safely and to thank him. I shared my stories of the three rainbows and asked if the island had received rain.  He quickly responded with a bold “Yes! We are getting the much needed rain.” 

I began to sing, praising sweet thanks to our Father God, for His love endures forever.  Let’s continue to pray for peace and miracles for all.  When we are deeply rooted in God’s word, He give us guidance and wisdom through all seasons of life.  

This Thanksgiving Holiday Season,
May your hearts and homes be filled
with God’s promises of love, peace and joyous moments
with family and friends.


The ‘Voyage of Life’ and the Angelic Stranger


Faith, Favor and Forever Love