Renew Your Soul
August is the 8th month of the year and the 8 often makes me think of infinity and how we are all part of one big continuous cycle. I like to look upon August as a time to renew the soul. Everything has been warmed by the sun and is relaxed and full. There is a lull…it’s a replete, peaceful lull. That feeling of fullness, that “vacation mindset” is only part of an ongoing cycle. And, like we see in the fields, it’s time for the harvest — many of us must return to the cycle of work. It’s time to pick the fruit at its peak so that the vine may repeat the cycle and bear new fruits again in the future.
August, to me, is a time for rebirth. Following a beautiful Spring burst and the weight of summer’s gifts, August announces the arrival of coming home. No matter how many times I travel through these cycles, I’m always looking forward to the next as I know things are always better ahead.
Keep Spreading Your Wings
to Renew Your Soul
in the Love of God.