A Time for Prayer


I believe that is important to share with everyone that prayer does work if you believe. If you have felt discouraged in prayer, I invite you to try again. I’ve put together these words. If you’ve ever asked ‘how’, my hope that you will find encouragement here.
You may also print out the words below in PDF. Click here.

Prayer Study and God’s Word

How shall we pray? 

I would like to encourage us to enjoy our time with our Heavenly Father through the gift of prayer and fellowship. Prayer comes in many different forms from quiet alone times, worship and praise to small groups, ongoing conversations and communing with our Heavenly Father throughout the day. 

Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.  Ephesians 6:18 (TPT)

Become a Thankful Believer:

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude.

Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:6-7 (TPT)


Asking in Prayer: This is the simplest prayer of all and one of my favorites: “Ask, Knock and Seek.”

Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. For every persistent one will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he longs for. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.

Do you know of any parent who would give his hungry child, who asked for food, a plate of rocks instead?  Or when asked for a piece of fish, what parent would offer his child a snake instead? If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of your children and give them what’s best, how much more ready is your heavenly Father to give wonderful gifts to those who ask him? Matthew 7: 7-11 (TPT)

Invite our Heavenly Father to join and feast with you. God wants to be with us in all things.

By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. Psalms 42:8 (NIV)

Whenever you pray, be sincere and not like the pretenders who love the attention they receive while praying before others in the meetings and on street corners. Believe me, they’ve already received their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God, praying to him in secret. And your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly. When you pray, there is no need to repeat empty phrases, praying like the Gentiles do, for they expect God to hear them because of their many words. There is no need to imitate them, since your Father already knows what you need before you ask him.  
Matthew 6:5-9 (TPT

 Jesus shared with His Disciples How To Pray – it is the same for us today:


Our Beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms,
may the glory of your name
be the center on which our lives turn.
Manifest your kingdom realm,
and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth,
just as it is in heaven.
We acknowledge you as our Provider
of all we need each day.
Forgive us the wrongs we have done as we ourselves
release forgiveness to those who have wronged us.
Rescue us every time we face tribulation
and set us free from evil.
For you are the King who rules
with power and glory forever. Amen.

Matthew 6:9-13 (TPT)

Pray together with family and friends:

 Every time we pray for you our hearts overflow with thanksgiving to Father God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 1: 3 (TPT)


Prayer gives us Hope: 

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Psalms 17:6 (NIV) 

Your faith and love rise within you as you access all the treasures of your inheritance stored up in the heavenly realm. For the revelation of the true gospel is as real today as the day you first heard of our glorious hope, now that you have believed in the truth of the gospel.

This is the wonderful message that is being spread everywhere, powerfully changing hearts throughout the earth, just like it has changed you! Every believer of this good news bears the fruit of eternal life as they experience the reality of God’s grace. Colossians 1: 5-6 (TPT)


Enjoy your prayer journey and fellowship with our Heavenly Father to Create Joy in All Seasons.


Plant Seeds of God’s Love


Spring: A Time to Create Joy