You Are A Gift


You are a gift. You are a beautiful creation from our Heavenly Father.

After a full week of activities and the surprise of a few warm winter days, I  decided to take an afternoon walk to the beach to refresh my soul with some meditative thoughts on God’s word.

I took a deep breath to release myself from the pressures of the week and began my walk. Often during the first 20 minutes of my walk, I stretch to release any burdens I have on my heart. I wave my arms in the air and look to the sky, quietly praising our Heavenly Father with a thankful heart for all the blessings he has bestowed upon me and those around us on this day, and every day.


 As the horizon of the ocean appeared in the distance, I took an even deeper breath to welcome in my surroundings with all my senses. The setting winter sun created a stillness in the air and a blanket of comfort washes over my soul.  In this gifted moment of peace, I felt free.

 I continued my walk down the hill to meet the pathway to the beach. My eyes scanned over the smooth, soft sand left by the high tides of the night before. A few winter birds basked in afternoon sun, resting before continuing their coastal journey.


  This moment. An invitation. I took off my shoes and walked through the warmth of the sand to the edge of shore where the cold ocean waves washed over my feet. I immediately felt relief and a wonderful rejuvenation of my soul. 


After a few minutes of refreshment at the ocean’s edge, I walked back to the sand banks and sat down to take in this gifted moment of time with a thankful heart. Once again, I was reminded of all the blessings we have from God in our daily lives.

We know that all creation is beautiful to God and there is nothing to be refused if it is received with gratitude. 1 Timothy 4:4 (TPT)

Quietly sitting in meditation, I reflected upon a recent devotional study from The Blessing authored by Brian and Candice Simmons.  The first few chapters of the study talk about the early chapters of the Bible where we learn from the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, amazing heroes of faith.  Their lives are rich examples of the opportunities that are present if we choose to allow God in to transform our hearts.   

“As for the seed that fell upon good, rich soil, it represents the hearts of people who hear and fully embrace the message of heaven’s kingdom realm. Their lives bear good fruit—some yield a harvest of thirty, sixty, even one hundred times as much as was sown.” Matthew 13:23 TPT

We learn that these heroes, with their dedicated faith and trust in the love from our Heavenly Father and His Promising Word, were able to plant seeds of blessings for generations into the future.

Everything he does is full of splendor and beauty! Each miracle demonstrates his eternal perfection. His unforgettable works of surpassing wonder reveal his grace and tender mercy. He satisfies all who love and trust him, and he keeps every promise he makes. Psalms 111.3 TPT


As the sun began to quietly set for the evening, I put my socks and shoes back on and started my journey home.  I stood to take in one last “picture” of this gifted moment and etched it on my mind and heart. I found myself thanking God for all the beautiful creations he has gifted us with.

For the glorious name of the Lord is blessed forever and ever. From sunrise brilliance to sunset beauty, lift up his praise from dawn to dusk! Psalms 113:3


Everything that God has made is beautifully unique and one-of-a-kind, like every one of us. Each of His creations is uniquely beautiful and different. Look around and you will see that there are no two that look the same—grains of sand, the waves, the stars, the leaves, the flowers, the trees, the birds, the butterflies—I can go on and on. As I reach home, I turn around and thank God for I am blessed with the gift of His creation.

Take time to give thanks. Know you are a gift from God. Enjoy living and being the one-of-a-kind beautiful you!

You are a gift.

An added note: The following morning, as I revisited this writing, I looked out my window in awe, once again. Our Heavenly Father created a beautiful new painting of a winter storm with much-needed healing rain to wash over our land.  Another gifted day of His promises and blessings….


 ”Forever” by Michael W. Smith


You Are Loved


Where Do You Go For Your Answers?