The joy of winter is finding warmth. Walks in nature with lots of layers, a cozy corner with a blanket, and heartfelt conversations over tea… Enjoy this season of inner growth!
Live Through Your Heart and Explore Your Dreams
Renew Your Soul
August is the 8th month of the year and the 8 often makes me think of infinity and how we are all part of one big continuous cycle.
The Season of Regeneration
A place of peace and comfort can be created with the precious love of God. His harmonic words teach us that He is always with us to help us regenerate and refill with His favor and gracious blessings.
A Season of Renewal for the Heart and Soul
Joy is renewing one’s heart and soul with the peace gifted from the love of our Heavenly Father.
A Summer of Regeneration
Upon a return from a late morning visit to the beach, I unpacked my favorite sun bleached beach bag a sketch pad, pencils and a book I treasure, Gift from the Sea, authored by Anne Morrow Lindberg. I love to revisit it during the summer months.
The Joy of Harvest
July, for me, is the beginning of summer season with longer, warmer days that start with the special birthday for our Great Nation and its freedom and liberties.
Summer Memories
With the arrival of sun-drenched days that creep long into the evening hours, July is the celebration of the birth of our great nation and the official beginning of the summer.
Rejuvenate your Heart with God’s Love and Watch Your Garden of Life Flourish with a Bountiful Harvest of Joyful Hope
As I sit with my tea (my morning comfort time), I reflect upon this past season and all we have endured through this historic time of uncertainty.
Take in the Surprises of Summer
To prepare for the longer (and warmer) days of summer, I read through some of my garden journal notes from previous years for some insightful reminders.
A new dawn
As another day opens to a new season, I know many of us have spent the last several weeks finding ways to create joy.
Refresh One’s Soul in the Garden
I love getting lost in my garden, whether I’m venturing out for a day of work or sitting down to enjoy the lush beauty that surrounds me. I may begin my day with a roadmap of chores, however, I find that the garden teaches me otherwise.
A New Season of Joy!
I am awakened by an early morning orchestra of birds. This morning sounds like a celebration; it sounds like joy. This sound is a most precious announcement of the new spring season.
Garden Chronicles
I have always loved to garden ever since I was young. It is all thanks to Margaret who gave me my first gardening class.
God Awakens Me
This poem was put on my heart and I am sharing it with the hopes of encouraging and inspiring all.
Freedom in Art
“Everything is perfect when you create from your heart…” — Ssusan’s Rule 101
Finding Purpose in Repurposing
Repurposing has its purposes. Look a new at some of the items you’ve collected over your lifetime. Now’s the time to make way for the new in your life.
Africa’s Secret Ingredients
Just before dawn, we heard the musical wake-up call. This time, it was David’s gentle voice that echoed through our tent door. “Jambo, Jambo,” he said, greeting us with the traditional hot tea, coffee and warm biscuits. We turned on our flashlights to help guide him for the sun was not yet awake.
A Note from Home comes from the Heart
"Stay home," they say. What better way to protect and give thanks for our health, than to be asked to relax at home. This is not an interruption, this is an opportunity. I encourage all of you to cherish your health and enjoy this time by rekindling a new appreciation for yourself and your home.
The Surprise of the Serengeti
As we settled into the seats of the bush plane, we learned that they do not fly in high altitude. Looking out the windows was like being inside a most spectacular nature movie except this was real.
Rest and Refill
During this season of uncertainty, surround yourself with creative inspiration.
Inspirational Biblical Quotes
Inspirational Notes to Encourage You
Inspiration from my garden and travels around the world.