The joy of winter is finding warmth. Walks in nature with lots of layers, a cozy corner with a blanket, and heartfelt conversations over tea… Enjoy this season of inner growth!
Live Through Your Heart and Explore Your Dreams
Spring: A Time to Create Joy
Creative moments force us to stretch ourselves and take a leap of faith to express what is truly on our hearts.
An Oasis in the Desert
A short trip to the southern California desert was a precious moment in time, as if a dream we had envisioned in our hearts was heard by our Heavenly Father and created -- beyond our expectations.
You Are Loved
The gift of love is simple yet so deeply rooted in one’s soul. Everlasting hope and peace are ours if we open our hearts to be immersed in His love.
You Are A Gift
While on a walk to the beach, I am reminded that everything God has made is beautifully unique and one-of-a-kind — like every one of us.
Where Do You Go For Your Answers?
Are you feeling distracted and looking for a new search engine? Are you looking for ways to find peace. We invite you to look up.
Let’s Celebrate the New Season Together!
Like a garden, we all need a little pruning through the seasons to let go of the old and make way for new growth in our lives. Winter marks the close of a year but also the hope a of new season.
Pay It Forward By Sharing the Gift of Kindness
Although we have been faced with so many uncertainties this year, I believe we all have ability to perform simple acts of kindness and “pay it forward.”
Welcome Winter Solstice and the Holiday Season
I quietly await the slumber that comes as winter’s blanket falls over the garden in a period of peaceful rest.
Meditate on the Word
How do we find time to meditate on the word of God, to live in His peace, and create a season of joy?
Dining Vignettes
As soon as I turn back the clocks and change my wall calendar to the month of November, I am filled with excitement. It’s time to bring out the boxes filled with decorations to “paint” my home for the holidays.
Working With Your Hands
We journey to the central valley to take in the harvest season with all our senses.
Eddie’s Story: Miracles are Real
When I started to talk about God’s love for everyone, Eddie turned around to me with his big smile and said, “I know God’s Love and I know God is REAL. I have seen his miracles in my life and in my family’s lives. REAL miracles.”
Tea With God: Thy Word is my Comfort
I brought my tea, with its soft flowery fragrance, to my studio. My notebooks were there, full of lists of items to address along with a small stack of correspondence, but I felt a tug on my heart that pull me away from these items. I picked up the phone and call my friend, Juanita.
Tea with God
In the early morning, I take in the quite sounds and sip on the first cup of my favorite morning tea, Assam Black. The warmth of the tea comforts my soul with a gentle peace.
Finding the Strength and Courage to Harvest a New Season of Joy
When we welcome in the month of September, I always feel grateful knowing that the garden has made it through another summer season.
The Harvest Season: Restoration and Hope
Sometimes, at this time of year, our emotions seem to mirror what we see in nature.
Shepherded to Safety and Peace
As I was preparing for a Giving Thanks Circle, I searched for God’s voice and guidance. His words always teach me to see from my heart with a greater vision. His unfailing, everlasting love creates understanding and trust inside all of us.
Inspirational Biblical Quotes
Inspirational Notes to Encourage You
Inspiration from my garden and travels around the world.