The joy of winter is finding warmth. Walks in nature with lots of layers, a cozy corner with a blanket, and heartfelt conversations over tea… Enjoy this season of inner growth!
Live Through Your Heart and Explore Your Dreams
Celebrating God’s Love
Let’s embrace and celebrate Valentine’s Day, the day when many share their hearts with one another.
A Season of New Beginnings
Welcome in the winter season for it is a time to reflect and refresh the soul.
God’s Love is the Greatest Gift to Share this Holiday Season
We are in a Season of Love and Faith to Unite with God Against All Odds with Feasts of Dedication.
Believe in God’s Glory Every Day
Our perspective changes when we open our hearts more to God and embrace His love in all we do.
Signs & Wonders
Did you ever have a moment when you wondered to yourself, “Is this a sign from God? Is he speaking to me with a special word or message to guide me through my day?” What are His “signs and wonders” anyway?
Sheltering in God’s Love is our Triumphant Faith
As I sipped on my tea in quiet meditation, I heard our Heavenly Father’s voice: “Shelter in my love.” Why has he put these words on my heart?
Listen, For God’s Love Surrounds You
A few weeks ago we had some work done on our home. After a couple of days of informal conversations and sharing, Rafael asked if he could share a story with me. My conversation with Rafael led me to a story about pink carnations and God’s love for us.
Embrace a New Perspective from Your Heart
How do we stay in the life-giving expression of God’s word throughout our day-to-day lives while preventing the shadow of distractions from invading the purity of our hearts?
Give Yourself Permission
This is a perfect time of year to take a step-back and give ourselves permission to stop, slow down, take a deep breathe and discover the simplicity of beauty and life that surrounds us.
Try Something New: Rediscover Your Heart’s Creativity
Stretch and try something new. You never know what an , open heart will lead to!
A Fresh Start
Even when we may stumble in doubt, if we turn our hearts back to Him, He is there to comfort us with open arms of love and forgiveness. He never hesitates to gives us “a fresh start.”
God is Real
As we walk through our daily lives, God’s promises and miracles of yesterday are still very much with us in action today, if we are willing to open our hearts to trust and believe in Him.
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Inspired by the new season abloom in our garden and our surroundings, my husband and I decided to take a road trip to explore Sonoma County, California.
Is God Knocking on the Door of Your Heart?
God opens doors for all us, even when we may feel as though we are living in a season of uncertainty.
April Showers Give Us More Than May Flowers
Spring is a season of refreshing one’s soul with hopes and dreams.
Plant Seeds of God’s Love
He has, is and will always be with us, blessing us with his promises if we choose to Trust in him for all things.
A Time for Prayer
I believe that is important to share with everyone that prayer does work if you believe. If you’ve ever asked ‘how’, my hope that you will find encouragement here.
Inspirational Biblical Quotes
Inspirational Notes to Encourage You
Inspiration from my garden and travels around the world.